Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I hate going to Martin's grocery store now. All the construction is making shopping very hard to do. I can't find anything and it just is too confusing. grrrrr So I will boycott them for a while until they are done. Then I'll go back.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Here we go again

My daughter broke things off with her very first boyfriend, who didn't really seem like a boyfriend since they didn't do bf/gf things. No hand holding, no phone calls, nothing. It's better that they just stay friends like they were to begin with. Now she is going with another boy from another church. She says he is really nice. But others say he has issues. So we shall see. I will be optimistic and just let her see how long it lasts. She is not like other girls, I don't think. She is more mature for her age, I do believe. They don't go to the same school and will only see each other once a week and then once at the end of the month at a youth gathering. Only time will tell. Maybe she will be a good influence on him.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nick Update

Nick woke up this morning at 6:30 and couldn't hardly breathe. It sounded like someone poured a bucket of goop down his throat. So I got out the nebulizer and gave him a breathing treatment. He went back to sleep and sounds a bit better now. I've been going up and checking on him every so often. I'm keeping him home again today and will do treatments every few hours. I guess tomorrow if he goes to school, I'll send a note and make him go to the nurse and use his inhaler he keeps there.

Update: 10am - Nick has another fever and his coughs are barky. I called the dr. and made an appt for this afternoon. He actually wanted me to call the doctor!

Update #2: 6:00pm - IT'S STREP! Now he is on Amox for 10 days. And can't go back to school til Friday. grrrr

Monday, March 10, 2008

Is it finally here?

Well, I am staying home with Nick today. He woke up with a temp of 100.7 this morning. He had trouble sleeping last night but didn't feel sick. Guess it was the fever starting. I'm sure he caught something in Winchester with 100's of kids in there. He's coughing too. He told me yesterday or Saturday night that his throat was hurting. I just figured it was allergies. I gave him some Motrin and sent him back to bed. I'm just gonna have to see where it goes from here.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Cholesterol Test Numbers

Ok - I have been on Zocor for 2 months now to try to get my cholesterol to go down. Man - this stuff really works!!!

Total Chol. 227
HDL (good chol) 40
LDL (bad chol) 155

2/2008 - after being on the meds for 2 months:
Total Chol. 151
HDL 46 (which is supposed to go up)
LDL 79!!!!!!!

How about that!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

It really works!

I have been on Zocor for about 2 months now. I went to get blood work done to see how it's working, and low and behold my cholesterol is WAY down! Halleluah!!! I never thought I could get my number down so low! I am very excited! I'll post the numbers after I get the result sheets in the mail. I can't remember them right now, but just be assured, they are great numbers!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

"The Boys" are coming!

That's right - Sunday Obsession will be playing at Ashley's 14th birthday party at our house. I don't know what time or for how long, but they will be here! Nick is really excited too!!!