Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nick Update

Nick woke up this morning at 6:30 and couldn't hardly breathe. It sounded like someone poured a bucket of goop down his throat. So I got out the nebulizer and gave him a breathing treatment. He went back to sleep and sounds a bit better now. I've been going up and checking on him every so often. I'm keeping him home again today and will do treatments every few hours. I guess tomorrow if he goes to school, I'll send a note and make him go to the nurse and use his inhaler he keeps there.

Update: 10am - Nick has another fever and his coughs are barky. I called the dr. and made an appt for this afternoon. He actually wanted me to call the doctor!

Update #2: 6:00pm - IT'S STREP! Now he is on Amox for 10 days. And can't go back to school til Friday. grrrr

1 comment:

Kate said...

I have one with the same symptoms right now. Poor little guys!