Thursday, May 22, 2008

What it's like to find an old friend

You ever have a friend that you lost touch with that you never wish you had? I found an old friend on a social website that I hadn't seen in 15+ years. I was so excited that I wrote to him and asked if it really was him, to begin with. He wrote back and said yes, it was. I've known this person for over 20 years and after Kevin and I got married we lost touch. We started leading our seperate lives. This guy was my best "guy" friend. I could tell him anything and he could do the same with me. Well, after writing to him, I found out we live in the same town and only about a mile from each other. Our kids go to the same middle school, too. It's amazing how God works in our lives. I never thought I'd see this person again and now to come find out he's been down the road from me for the past 5 years is really something else. I know we won't be best friends again, but it is nice to be able to talk to him and catch up on everything.