Tuesday, July 29, 2008


We've just gotten back from a quick trip to Corinth, Mississippi where we attended the Gober Family reunion. This is my father-in-law's Mother's family. They are such a sweet bunch of people. My absolute favorites to see are Uncle Mark and Aunt Mona. I love 'em to death! I'll have to put some pics on here when I get them off the camera. We had a couple of big storms come through, but no tornados - not even a warning. The power went out Saturday morning at the hotel and we almost had to rethink our afternoon/evening activities, but the power came back on a couple of hours later and all went on as planned. We left down there around 11am on Sunday and had a nice leisurely drive home, taking the usual 2 days to get home. Here are a couple of pics of the town that I got off the internet.
This is the Corinth Train Station. Notice the tracks that are crossing? This is known as the crossroads of the South for the railroads.

This is a really cool castle-looking house known as the "cat house". The lady who lived there left everything to her cats when she died.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Youth Trip to the Zoo

Man - I didn't know Washington DC had so many hills. We estimated that we walked 4-5 miles! Here's a couple of pics. And Nick has another teen crush!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Seeing the world through new eyes

Well, sorta. Ashley has gotten contacts! She looks so different, and she loves them. I'll have to get some before and after pics on here for you.