Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No One Knows the Hurt I Feel Inside

These are just some random thoughts.

These have been the longest 4 months of my life and the road is only going to get longer. I can be happy on the outside but inside I am dying. My mother meant the world to me and the pain I feel in so indescribable. Kevin thinks I should be over it by now, but he just doesn't get it. And until he feels the same pain that I feel, he'll never understand.

I get these memory flashes of my mother lying lifeless in her hospital bed. That image is forever burned into my brain. I see that more than I see her lying in the casket.

I will tell you I am fine, and I'll even feel fine most days, but it's the quiet times that get to me.

I finally had a dream about my mom. I saw her and she looked lovely! She had on a red top with a purple skirt and a white flowing scarf (Which she would never wear normally, or even owned). I told her how pretty she looked and how I knew she didn't hurt anymore. I swear it was her that came to me. My father did the same thing after he died. This year marks the 25th anniversary of my father's death....Oct 15th 1984.

1 comment:

momahall said...

All you're going through is normal daring. Hang in there, be gentle with yourself. Doesn't red mean passion and purple royalty? She's at heaven and peace, you'll see her again one day. Love ya!!