Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm just a little irked

I wanted to write this somewhere, but I didn't know where, so I picked here to do it. I was reading a friend's blog comments and something bothered me. I don't want to make anyone mad, but.......someone made the a comment about the horrors of public schools. Children cannot be sheltered/protected forever. If you raise them right they will know the difference between right and wrong and be able to deal with the things that they see in a public school. I don't care if people want to homeschool their kids, but you shouldn't say do it so your kids aren't subjected to the horrors of things that happen in the public school system. It just bothers me that people put down public schools. I know things are different than when we adults were in school, but if your kids know what to look out for and who to stay away from, what's the harm? My daughter certainly did not come home everyday with a horror story to tell me. My daughter loves her school and is looking forward to going to the new high school this year. The principal is Judy Marcus and she is not going to take crap from anyone. Ok - rant is over.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I have one going to Washington High too! I've never seen a school so clean!